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Oral Communications

Title: Hupervalent iodine chemistry vs. Pd-based cross-coupling: two complementary approaches to oligonaphthalenes
Authors: A. Shafir, E. Faggi, R. Pleixats, R.M. Sebastián, A. Vallribera, A. Rodríguez-Gimeno, C. Ramirez de Arellano
Congress: 3rd School on Organometallic Chemistry "Marcial Moreno Mañas"
Place: Oviedo, Spain
Date: July 2010

Title: Direct PIFA-promoted arene-arene coupling
Authors: E. Faggi, R. Pleixats, A. Vallribera, R.M. Sebastián, A. Shafir
Congress: XXIII Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica
Place: Murcia, Spain
Date: June 2010

Title: Flourous gallic acid derivatives as versatile gelators. Self-assembly into nanosized fibers or balls
Authors: E. Faggi, R.M. Sebastián, A. Vallribera
Congress: XXIII Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica
Place: Murcia, Spain
Date: June 2010

Title: Estudi de la reactivitat de les sals de diazoni altament flourades centrada en la reacció de Matzuda-Heck
Authors: J. Salabert, C. Nájera, A. Roglans, R.M. Sebastián, A. Vallribera
Congress: Sisena Trobada de Joves Investigadors dels Països Catalans
Place: Valencia, Spain
Date: 2010

Title: Reactivity of highly fluorinated diazonium salts focused on Matsuda-Heck and azo coupling reactions
Authors: J. Salabert, R. Soler, R.M. Sebatián, A. Vallribera
Congress: 2nd School on Organometallic Chemistry Marcial Moreno Mañas
Place: Valencia, Spain
Date: 2009

Title: Curiositats mecanístiques de les substitucions nucleòfiles aromàtiques de grups nitro amb alcohols polifluorats
Authors: E. Comalrena, R.M. Sebastián, J. Marquet
Congress: Cinquena Trobada de Joves Investigadors dels Països Catalans
Place: Vic, Spain
Date: 2008

Title: Dendrimers as nanoparticle stabilizers. Recoverable Catalysts
Authors: E. Badetti, R.M. Sebatián
Congress: 1a Reunión sobre Funcionalización de Moléculas Orgánicas promovidas por complejos Organometálicos (1st meeting Consolider 2010)
Place: Jaca, Spain
Date: 2007

Title: New Dendrimeric Structures as Palladium(0) Nanoparticle Stabilizers
Authors: E. Badetti, A.M. Caminade, J. Majoral, M. Moreno-Mañas, R.M. Sebastián
Congress: Jornada de Química de Catalunya i del Gran Sud-Oest Francès
Place: Barcelona, Spain
Date: 2006

Title: Preparation and applications of polyfluorinated compounds
Authors: P. de Mendoza, M. Moreno-Mañas, S. Niembro, R.M. Sebastián, R. Soler, A. Vallribera
Congress: COST Chemistry Symposium (Action D24/0013/02)
Place: Roma, Italy
Date: 2006

Title: Nuevas estructuras dendríticas capaces de estabilizar nanopartículas metálicas
Authors: E. Badetti, A.M. Caminade, j. Majoral, M. Morano-Mañas, R.M. Sebastián
Congress: XXI Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica
Place: Valladolid, Spain
Date: 2006

Title: 15-Membered Triolefinic Macrocycles as Templates for the Formation of Pd(0) Nanoparticles
Authors: M. Moreno-Mañas, R. Pleixats, R.M. Sebastián, A. Serra, R. Soler, A. Vallribera
Congress: STEREOCAT 2005 (COST Action D24/0013-02)
Place: Barcelona, Spain
Date: 2005

Title: 15-Membered macrocycles: Liquid crystals and dendrimeric-stabilized metal nanoparticles
Authors: E. Badetti, M. Moreno-Mañas, R.M. Sebastián, J.P. Majoral, A.M. Caminade
Congress: COST Chemistry Symposium (Action D24/0013/02)
Place: Paris, France
Date: 2005

Title: Olefinic Nitrogen-Containing Macrocycles. Insights in Material Science
Authors: R.M. Sebastián, E. Badetti, Christian Reichardt, R. Soler, M. Moreno-Mañas, A. Vallribera
Congress: COST Chemistry Symposium (Action D24/0013-02)
Place: Bellaterra. Cerdanyola del Vallès. Barcelona
Date: 2004

Title: Preparation of Nitrogen-Containing Olefinic and Benzo-15-Membered Macrocycles and Their Silver(I) and Chromium(0) Complexes
Authors: R.M. Sebastián, M. Moreno-Mañas, A. Vallribera
Congress: Thirteenth European symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESOC-13)
Place: Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia
Date: 2003

Title: Phosphorus-Containing Dendrimers. Synthesis and Properties
Authors: A.M. Caminade, J.P. Majoral, V. Maraval, R.M. Sebastián
Congress: 15th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry
Place: Sendai, Japón
Date: 2001

Title: Dendrimers in Material Sciences: Surface Modification of Electrodes by Dendric Molecules
Authors: R.M. Sebastián, A.M. Caminade, J.P. Majoral, e. Levillain, L. Huchet, J. Roncali, F. le Derf, G. Trippé, A. Gorgues, M. Sallé
Congress: Twelfth European Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESOC-12)
Place: Groningen, The Netherlands
Date: 2001

Title: Application of Dendritic Molecules in Material Sciences
Authors: A.M. Cominade, G. Magro, J.P. Majoral, C.O. Turrin, V. Maraval, R.M. Sebastián
Congress: 221th ACS National Meeting
Place: San Diego, United States
Date: 2001

Title: Syntesis and Application of Water-Soluble Dendrimers
Authors: J.P. Majoral, A.M. Caminade, R.M. Sebastián, G. Magro, C. Loup, C.O. Turrin, R. Laurent
Congress: 221th ACS National Meeting
Place: San Diego, United States
Date: 2001

Title: Synthèse et Réactivité d'un Dendrimère à Périphérie Hydrazines N,N-Disubstituées
Authors: A.M. Caminade, G. Magro, J.P. Majoral, R.M. Sebastián
Congress: Journée Jeunes Chercheurs, ENCST
Place: Toulouse, France
Date: 2000

Title: Stereoselective Synthesis of δ, δ-Disubstituted Amino Acids Using a Carbohydrate derivate as Chiral Auxiliary
Authors: M. Moreno-Mañas, R.M. Sebastián, E. Trepat, A. Vallribera
Congress: Eleventh European Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESCO-11)
Place: Göteborg, Sweden
Date: 1999

Title: Preparation d'Oxazoles, Pyrazoles et Pyrazolinones Énantiomériquement Purs par Cyclisation de β-Cétoamides et β-Céto-esters Contenant des Auxiliaires Chiraux
Authors: R.M. Sebastián, M. Morano-Mañas, A. Vallribera
Congress: 7ème Journée Chimie Grand Sud-Ouest
Place: Toulouse, France
Date: 1997

Title: Preparation and Alkylation of Transition Metal Complexes of Homochiral Derivatives of Acetoacetic Acid
Authors: N. Gálvez, M. Moreno-Mañas, I. Padrós, N. Serra, R.M. Sebastián, A. Vallribera
Congress: Ninth European Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESOC-09)
Place: Varsovie, Poland
Date: 1996

Title: Preparation and Alkylation of Transition Metal Complexes of Homochiral Derivatives of Acetoacetic Acid
Authors: N. Gálvez, M. Moreno-Mañas, I. Padrós, N. Serra, R.M. Sebastián, A. Vallribera
Congress: EC Network Meeting on "Stereoselective Organic Synthesis"
Place: Lauvain-la-Neuve, Belgique
Date: 1995

Title: Preparation de Complexes de Métaux de Transition de Dérivés Chiraux de l'Acide Acétoacétique. Tetrachlorométallates de Tetraalkylammonium comme Source de Métaux
Authors: N. Gálvez, M. Moreno-Mañas, I. Padrós, N. Serra, R.M. Sebastián, A. Vallribera
Congress: 4ème Journée Chimie Grand Sud-Ouest
Place: Toulouse, France
Date: 1994

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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Preparation of recoverable enantioselective   organocatalysts<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> E. Faggi, A. Saidi, R.M. Sebastián,   A. Vallribera<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> 2<sup>nd</sup> School on   Organometallic Chemistry Marcial Moreno Mañas<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Valencia, Spain<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 2009</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Reactivity of highly fluorinated diazonium salts  focused  on Matsuda-Heck and azo coupling reactions<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> J.  Salabert, R. Soler, R.M. Sebastián, A. Vallribera<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> 2<sup>nd</sup> School on Organometallic  Chemistry Marcial Moreno Mañas<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Valencia, Spain<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 2009</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Mesomorphic compounds: macrocycles, polymacrocycles and   theix opened precursors<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> C.A. Hincapié, A. Zennaro,   J. Barberá, J.L. Serrano, R.M. Sebastián, T. Sierra<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> 2<sup>nd</sup> School on Organometallic  Chemistry Marcial Moreno Mañas<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Valencia, Spain<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 2009</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Stabilization of nanoparticles by macromolecules   combining phosphorus dendrimers and 15-membered triolefinic   azamacrocycles<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> G. Franc, E. Badetti, M.   Moreno-Mañas, J. Majoral, R.M. Sebastián, A.M. Caminade<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> 236 ACS National Meeting &amp; Exposition<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA<br /> <strong>Date: </strong>2008</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Heck reaction, Suzuki and Sonogashira cross-coupling   using phosphine-free perfluoro-tagged palladium nanoparticles supported   on fluorous silica gel<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> R. Bernini, S. Cacchi, G.   Fabrizi, G. Forte, S. Niembro, F. Petruccio, R. Pleixats, A. Prastaro,   R. M. Sebastián, R. Soler, M. Tristany, A. Vallribera<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> Congresso del Grupo Interdivisionale di Chimica Organimetallica<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Perugia, Italy<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 2008</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Heck reaction, Suzuki and Sonogashira  cross-coupling   using phosphine-free perfluoro-tagged palladium  nanoparticles supported   on fluorous silica gel<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> R. Bernini, S. Cacchi, G.   Fabrizi, G. Forte,  S. Niembro, F. Petruccio, R. Pleixats, A. Prastaro,   R. M. Sebastián, R.  Soler, M. Tristany, A. Vallribera<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> Congresso Nazionale della divisione di chimica Industriale<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Genova, Italy<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 2008</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Phosphine-free perfluoro-tagged palladium nanoparticles   supported on fluorous reversed-phase silica gel. Application for the   C-C cross-coupling reactions<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> R. Bernini, S. Cacchi,   G. Fabrizi, G. Forte,  S. Niembro, F. Petruccio, R. Pleixats, A.   Prastaro, R. M. Sebastián, R.  Soler, M. Tristany, A. Vallribera<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> VII Spanish-Italian Symposium on Organic Chemistry<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Oviedo, Spain<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 2008</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> A new family of dendrimers containing 15-membered   triolefinic macrocycles in their structures<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> E.   Badetti, A.M. Caminade, G. Franc, J.P. Majoral, M. Moreno-Mañas, R.M.   Sebastián<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> 15<sup>th</sup> European Symposium   on ORganic Chemistry (ESOC1 15)<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Dublin, Ireland<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 2007</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Polyflouoralkoxilation reactions. Mechanistic studies  on  the peculiar behaviour of polyfluoroalcohols as nucleophiles<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> E. Comalrena, U. Baduzzi, R.M. Sebastián, J. Marquet<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> 15<sup>th</sup> European Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESOC 15)<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Dublin, Ireland<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 2007</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Covalent copper (II) catalyst for Michael addition.   Mechanistic Insight<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> A. Jutland, M. Moreno-Mañas, E.   Pérez, R.M. Sebastián, A. Vallribera<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> 15<sup>th</sup> European  Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESOC 15)<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Dublin, Ireland<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 2007</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> 15-Membered Triolefic Macrocycles as  Templates for the   Formation of Pd(0) Nanoparticles<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> S. Cacchi, G.   Fabrizi, M.  Moreno-Mañas, R. Pleixats, R.M. Sebastián, A. Serra, R.   Soler, A. Vallribera<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> 6<sup>th</sup> Italian   Spanish Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ISSOC2006)<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Taorima, Italy<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 2006</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> 15-Membered Triolefinic Macrocycles as Templates for  the  Formation of Pd(0) Nanoparticles<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> M.  Moreno-Mañas,  R. Pleixats, R.M. Sebastián, A. Serra, R. Soler, A.  Vallribera<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> STEREOCAT 2005 (COST Action  D24/0013-02)<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Barcelona,  Spain<br /> <strong>Date: </strong>2005</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> 15-Membered Triolefic Macrocycles as Templates for the   Formation of Pd(0) Nanoparticles Entrapped in Dendrimeric Structures<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> E. Badetti, A.M. Caminade, J.P. Majoral, M.   Moreno-Mañas, R.M. Sebastián<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> STEREOCAT 2005   (COST Action  D24/0013-02)<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Barcelona, Spain<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 2005</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Some Properties and Aplications of Phosphorus-Containing   Dendrimers<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> A.M. Caminade, R.M. Sebatián, J.P.   Majoral<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> SfC Eurochem<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Toulouse, France<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 2002</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Diastereoselective Alkylation of β-Dicarbonyl  Compounds.  Preparation of Amino Acids and Nitrogen Heterocycles<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> J. Clariana, N. Gálvez, M. Lumbierres, C. Marchi, M.  Moreno-Mañas,   R.M. Sebatián, E. Trepat, A. Vallribera<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> COST   Chemistry Symposium<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Sassari, Italy<br /> <strong>Date:</strong>1999</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Synthesis and Reactivity of Dendrimers Capped with   N,N-Disubstituted Hydrazines<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> A.M. Cminade, G. Magro,   J.P. Majoral, R.M. Sebastián<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> 1<sup>st</sup> International Dendrimer Symposium IDS-1<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Frankfurt,   Germany<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 1999</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Synthèse et Réactivité de Dendrimères Ayant des   Hydrazines N,N-Disbustituées comme Groupes Terminaux<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> R.M. Sebastián, A.M. Caminade, G. Magro, J.P. Majoral<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> 9<sup>ème</sup> Journée Chimie Grand Sud-Ouest<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Montpellier, France<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 1999</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Asymmetric Synthesis of Quaternary δ-Amino Acids Using   D-Ribonolactone Acetonide as Chiral Auxiliary<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> M.   Moreno-Mañas, R.M. Sebastián, E. Trepat, A. Vallribera<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC)<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Internet<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 1999</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Diastereoselective Alkylation and Michael Additions of   Chiral Derivatives of Acetoacetil Acid. Preparaion of Enantiomerically   Pure 4,4-Disubstituted 2-pyrazolines-5-ones<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> R.M.   Sebastián, J. Clariana, N. Gálvez, M. Moreno-Mañas, A. Vallribera<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> Tenth European Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESOC-10)<br /> <strong>Place:</strong> Basel, Switzerland<br /> <strong>Date:</strong> 1997</td>
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<td style="text-align: justify;" valign="top"><strong>Title:</strong> Chiral Synthesis of Unusual δ-Amino Acids. DME as a Safer  Alternative Solvent for Schmidt Reactions<br /> <strong>Authors:</strong> R.M.  Sebastián, N. Galvez, M. Moreno-Mañas, A. Vallribera<br /> <strong>Congress</strong><strong>:</strong> Belgium Organic Symposium Synthesis<br /><strong>Place:</strong> Gants, Belgique<br /><strong>Date:</strong> 1996</td>